Essential Things Every New College Student Needs For School

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Ready to kick off your college years? Whether you’re diving into your freshman year or gearing up for another round, nailing down the best things for your college dorm is a game-changer.

From move-in day to mastering the art of dorm room shopping, we’ve got your back with the ultimate college must-haves. Let’s dive into the essentials that will transform your dorm beds into cozy havens and make your first year of college an unforgettable experience.

These are some of my favorite things that you’ll want to have on hand, along with items you might completely overlook!

1. Laptop

A laptop is a must have for college and essential for coursework and research. A reliable laptop is important to have on hand all four years so invest in a good one!

My personal favorite is Macbooks, but Dell laptops also come highly recommended.

2. Notebooks & Stationary

You might be out of high school, but you’ll still need to take notes during classes. School supplies like pens, notebooks, sticky notes, and paper clips will be your best friend in college.

It’ll help you stay organized, on top of classes, and important assignments.

3. Backpack

While you want to look stylish, having a large and sturdy backpack is a lifesaver. It should be convenient for carrying books and the essentials.

You’ll want a backpack that can carry not only academic supplies but your must haves for those late nights at the library and study sessions.

4. Headphones

Whether you’re diving into a study session, seeking solace from a noisy environment, walking to class, or hitting the gym, having quality headphones are a must.

You’ll want a good pair on hand at all times, so invest in a great pair. I personally recommend Sony Headphones as they’re infinitely more affordable then Apple products and high quality!

5. Comfortable Bedding

Take it from me, investing in quality bedding is always the right choice. Quality sleep is crucial for academic success and just being able to relax in your dorm.

Include extra blankets, throw pillows, and more. You want your bed to be a cozy safe haven from the chaos of college.

6. Cookware & Tableware

Even if you have a dining plan for college, consider equipping yourself with some cooking equipment and utensils for when you crave a late night meal or a home cooked dish.

It’s also an easy way to balance out your diet and give you more control over the meals you’re having.

7. Microwave & Mini Fridge

A dorm-room duo, these appliances make snacking and storing food so much easier. It’s handy for quick snacks and storing perishables.

You’ll have easy access to food right in your room in case you don’t have access to the dining hall or the dorm kitchen.

8. Lap Desk

For those who love to study in bed or for the lazy Sunday study days, having a lap desk is a great idea. You can enhance your study set up and be more comfortable right in bed.

9. Calendar or Planner

If you like to stay organized and on top of deadlines consider buying a calendar or planner. I’m personally a fan of a good planner. With classes and your new social life, you’re sure to get busy.

Make your life easier by keeping track of it all in a planner and planning your studying and assignments ahead.

10. Reusable Water Bottle

Like most college students, I had an attachment to my water bottle. It never left my side. Keeping a reusable water bottle on hand is a must and will keep you hydrated throughout the day.

11. Coffee Maker or Electric Kettle

Whether you love tea or caffeine, consider getting a coffee maker or electric kettle. I owned both in college and they were great additions to my dorm.

You can get that caffeine boost during late-night study sessions, a cozy cup of tea in the early mornings, or cook some ramen right in your dorm.

12. Power Strip

Most dorm rooms have limited outlets so make the most of it by purchasing a good power strip. Buy one with a surge protector for safety as most colleges require it be a surge protector power strip.

You’ll be grateful for the power strip if you get the short end of the stick and only have one available outlet in your room.

13. First Aid Kit

Having a designated medicine box/first aid kit was the best choice I ever made in college. I was the unspoken doctor in my dorm building and helped myself and many friends out by having first aid on hand.

A basic first aid kit with medical supplies and pain relievers will be a life-saver when you wake up with a bad cold but have class that morning or get hit with a migraine or just feel too sick to go to the pharmacy.

14. Laundry Basket

It’s easy to forget that laundry has to be done and keeping clothes clean is a must. You’ll want a heavy duty laundry bag or basket to navigate the laundry room madness.

I recommend a laundry bag as they’re much easier to carry if you live upstairs or need to walk longer distances with your laundry. Some even have pockets where you can put your detergent!

15. Towel Set

A personal hygiene essential, you should have always have fresh and clean towels on hand. Buying a good towel set is a must.

16. Portable Charger

Often overlooked, but great to have on hand is a portable charger. It ensures devices stay powered throughout the day.

Sometimes you might end up at the library and there’ll be no available outlets. You’ll be happy to have the portable charger at the ready!

17. Rain Jacket or Umbrella

Weather can be unpredictable, as we all know. Be prepared by having an umbrella for your walks to class and day to day.

You don’t want to end up caught in the rain without an umbrella on your way to class.

18. Reusable Grocery Bags

If you’ll be shopping for your own groceries in college, buy some reusable grocery bags. Not only is it environmentally friendly and useful for groceries, but it’ll save you the hassle of dealing with plastic bags.

19. Space-Saving Hangers

Most dorms have limited closet and drawer space, so you have to make the most of it. Buy felt hangers as they’re significantly slimmer and space-saving hangers!

Space-saving hangers are designed to give you extra space in your closet. They were my saving grace in college.

20. Command Hooks

These should be on any and all college packing lists. No question about it. Command hooks are always a must have and make extra hanging space on your walls and behind doors.

21. Comfortable Sneakers

Invest in sneakers that are both cute and comfortable. They’ll be useful for gym workouts or impromptu sports.

They’re also easy to slip on when you’re running late to class and will make walking more feasible.

22. Mattress Pad

Most mattresses in dorm rooms are not comfortable, trust me. Enhance your bed by buying a good mattress topper or pad.

I used a tufts and needle mattress topper in college and received compliments from friends all four years about how comfortable my mattress was. Don’t be cheap with the mattress topper!

23. Basic Toolkit

Something you think you may not need, but will come in hand is a basic toolkit. Buy one with screwdrivers, pliers, a hammer etc.

It’s ideal for small repairs and maintaining your living space.

24. Storage Bins

Dorm rooms are small and often shared spaces. Maximize your limited space with under-bed storage or storage containers.

Having under-bed storage is an easy storage solution, and you’ll be grateful for the extra space as you quickly accumulate items throughout college.

25. Emergency Snacks

For those times when the dining hall is closed or your craving some food late at night, you’ll want snacks on hand.

Whether it be ramen noodles, sweets, chips, etc. you’ll be grateful to have it when the late-night study sessions come around or the midnight cravings hit after a night out.

26. Photos & Posts

Photos and posters are a must-have for turning a dorm room into your safe space. Photos are great for making it a cozy space and battling the homesickness that tends to hit at some point.

You can personalize your room and show off who you are through your decor.

27. Water Filter Pitcher

In case tap water quality is not optimal in your area, buy yourself a water filter pitcher.

An easily overlooked item when in college, but one that’ll pay off in the long run.

28. Insurance Holder

Now that you’re on your own, you’ll have to keep track of important documents like insurance information. From health and renter’s insurance details to your car insurance.

Keep track of them and make them easily accessible with an insurance holder of some kind.

29. USB or Hard Drive

You may not think you’ll need a hard drive, but trust me, you want it. It’s extra backup for important documents and files. When finals or midterms season comes around and you’re writing important papers for classes, having the extra safety to ensure you don’t lose your work is vital.

Sometimes technical issues happen and you lose all of your work. I know many people who’ve been in that spot. Have a hard drive to spare yourself the stress.

30. Bike or Scooter

Some campuses are a bike or scooter campus as it’s convenient for getting around campus, and from class to class.

If you want to cut the thirty minute walk consider getting a good bike!

31. Extra Lighting

If you’re like me and not a fan of overhead lighting, buy some extra lighting for your room to make it cozy and warm.

Fairy lights are a great option to make it more cozy. Even a desk lamp is a great choice and you’ll want one for the nights you study late at your desk.

32. Travel Mug

If you’re a coffee or tea lover, buy a travel mug. You’l be able to carry coffee or tea on the go to classes, lectures, or the library.

Not only will it save you money so you don’t have to buy coffee or tea, but it’s more efficient.

33. Dish Soap & Sponge

If you plan to have some dishes in your dorm room, you’ll probably need to wash them at some point. So don’t forget about the dish soap and sponge!

Make your life easier and get a sponge with a soap dispenser built in. It’ll be less for you to carry.

34. Sleep Mask & Earplugs

Sometimes the dorms can be loud and rowdy, or maybe your roommate is chatting on the phone or plans to have a light on late into the night.

Get yourself some earplugs and a good sleep mask. It’ll be helpful for a good night’s sleep in a shared space.

35. Vacuum

You’ll want to keep your dorm room clean and livable so make sure to have a vacuum with you. The crumbs and dirt will quickly accumulate.

Ideally get a thin vacuum than can be easily slid into a small corner and kept out of the way.

36. Mini Trash Can

Don’t forget to get a small trash can! Many people forget to bring a mini trash can with them.

Keep the living space tidy and make it easy to throw things out by having a trash can that can go under your desk.

37. Bed Risers

Bed risers are a must, especially if you want to maximize your space. Get some that allow for adjustable height if you’d like.

There’s some risers that even have built in charging ports which make a great option.

38. All Purpose Cleaning Spray

For general cleaning in the living space have all purpose cleaning spray on hand. It’ll be nice to wipe down and refresh your space.

39. Air Freshener

Most dorms don’t allow candles as they’re a fire hazard. However, you want to keep the room smelling fresh, so consider doing air fresheners instead.

It’ll be nice to have a fresh smelling room when you have friends over or come home after classes.

40. Scissors

Often forgotten about, scissors are a must have. They’re handy for various tasks which you won’t think about it until they come up.

My dorm-mates and neighbors often asked to borrow scissors so make sure to have a pair at the ready!

41. Paper Towels

Simple but easily forgotten are paper towels. You will need paper towels. So make sure to have a roll somewhere.

42. Storage Cart

One of the most useful ways to make the most of your space is having a storage cart. Myself and many of my friends had storage carts all four years of college.

They’re great for storing anything and everything. Most are space efficient as well and will help you make the most of the space you’re given.

43. Insect Repellent

Depending on the campus location, bug spray might be your best friend, especially in the warmer months. Don’t forget to have some on hand!

44. Yoga Mat

A yoga mat is always great to have. It’s a way to stay active in the dorm room, especially if you can’t get to a gym but want to workout.

45. Portable Fan

If your dorm building or room doesn’t have A/C, get a fan. It’s a must for staying cool in warmer weather.

You’ll be happy to have one at night or when you’re trying to study and the heat feels unbearable.

46. Desk Organizer

You’ll have a variety of school supplies, papers, and if you’re like me, makeup lying about your desk while in college.

Having a desk organizer will help you stay more organized and have easy access to things you might need.

47. Shower Caddy

A shower caddy is a college staple. It’s convenient for carrying toiletries to the bathroom, and you will need one.

Having one with a lot of pockets will be a huge help. Having one that’s netted is also a must as it’ll allow for the water to drain out instead of pooling at the bottom like you might get with a closed, plastic shower caddy.

48. Full Length Mirror

If you’re like me and need to see your entire outfit head to toe, get a full length mirror. Your dorm room will not have one, and you’ll be happy you brought your own when getting ready for class or a night out.

Ideally one that can hang on the dorm door, a closet door, or the wall is the best option for maximizing your space.

49. Flashlight

Power outages happen in college! Having a flashlight stored and ready is a great call and will save your cellphone battery power.

50. Personal Identification

Always have a copy of important personal IDs on hand. Keep a copy of your state ID, driver’s license, and student ID in case of emergencies or you lose one.

Good Luck!

As you gear up for the school year, armed with your carefully curated dorm essentials, remember that navigating dorm life, while intimidating, is a part of the experience.

From move-in day to the last exam, embrace the adventure and uncertainty that’s college. Wishing you all the luck in the world, and I hope your dorm room becomes the cozy space you dream it to be!

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